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Wat is IBM SPSS Statistics?

Je organisatie heeft meer gegevens dan ooit, maar spreadsheets en eenvoudige statistische analysetools beperken het nut ervan. IBM SPSS Statistics-software kan je helpen bij het vinden van nieuwe relaties in de gegevens en het voorspellen van wat er waarschijnlijk zal gebeuren. Bekijk de gratis videodemo voor statistieken van IBM om ontdekken hoe je eenvoudig gegevenssets kunt openen, beheren en analyseren zonder eerdere ervaring met statistieken; tijdrovende gegevensvoorbereiding vrijwel kunt elimineren; en snel inzichten kunt creëren, bewerken en verspreiden voor besluitvorming.

Wie gebruikt IBM SPSS Statistics?

On-premise statistische oplossing die bedrijven van elke omvang helpt de efficiëntie te verbeteren en risico's te beheren via voorspellende analyse, big data-implementatie en een bibliotheek van algoritmen voor machine learning.

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IBM SPSS Statistics Software - 2
IBM SPSS Statistics Software - 3
IBM SPSS Statistics Software - 4
IBM SPSS Statistics Software - 5

Twijfels over IBM SPSS Statistics? Vergelijk met een populair alternatief

IBM SPSS Statistics

IBM SPSS Statistics

4,5 (642)
US$ 99,00
Gratis versie
Gratis proefversie
Geen integraties gevonden
4,0 (642)
4,1 (642)
4,1 (642)
Waar voor je geld
US$ 5,16
Gratis versie
Gratis proefversie
4,2 (3.555)
4,3 (3.555)
4,3 (3.555)
Groene beoordelingsbalken geven het winnende product aan, op basis van de gemiddelde beoordeling en het aantal reviews.

Andere goede alternatieven voor IBM SPSS Statistics

Functies met hoogste beoordeling
Documenten opslaan
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Rapportage en analyse
Rapportage en statistieken
GraphPad Prism
Functies met hoogste beoordeling
Rapportage en analyse
Microsoft Power BI
Functies met hoogste beoordeling
Gegevens importeren en exporteren
Rapportage en analyse
Functies met hoogste beoordeling
Rapportage en analyse
Functies met hoogste beoordeling
Statistische analyse
Functies met hoogste beoordeling
Weergave van grafische gegevens
Wiskundige modellering
RStudio Desktop
Functies met hoogste beoordeling
Code development
Code editing
Grafische gebruikersinterface
Functies met hoogste beoordeling
Gegevens importeren en exporteren
Rapportage en analyse
Statistische analyse

IBM SPSS Statistics reviews

Gemiddelde score

In totaal
Waar voor je geld

Reviews op basis van bedrijfsgrootte (werknemers)

  • <50
  • 51-200
  • 201-1.000
  • >1.001
Head of Quality Standard and Accreditation
Geverifieerde LinkedIn-gebruiker
Schoolleiding, 51-200 werknemers
Heeft de software gebruikt voor: 2+ jaar
Bron van de reviewer

IBM SPSS TOOL : A great statistical tool for all statisticians and scholars to have

4,0 3 jaar geleden
Bijschriften in het Nederlands beschikbaar in de videospeler
Student Assistent in Nederland
Research, 5.001-10.000 werknemers
Heeft de software gebruikt voor: 1+ jaar
Bron van de reviewer

Review SPSS

5,0 vorig jaar

Opmerkingen: Over het algemeen is SPSS erg fijn in gebruik, en zal dit dan ook zeker aanraden aan mensen die net beginnen met statistiek.


Spss is erg makkelijk te gebruiken voor de sociale wetenschappen, zoals bijvoorbeeld marketing. Alle belangrijke statistische analyses die je hier moet gebruiken zijn aanwezig. Ook is het menu zeer overzichtelijk en makkelijke te gebruiken voor beginnende studenten.


Grootste nadelen zijn dat spss minder fijn werkt voor financiële vakken, dan wordt stata geprefereerd. Ook krijg je bij elke analyse erg veel data en kan het soms licht onoverzichtelijk zijn. Ook moeten sommige analyses, zoals bepaalde types moderatie regressies, nog los gedownload worden.

onderzoeker in Nederland
Medische praktijk, 501-1.000 werknemers
Heeft de software gebruikt voor: 6-12 maanden
Bron van de reviewer

SPSS review

4,0 vorig jaar

Opmerkingen: Ik vind het echt nutig maar het duurt wel voordat je het goed leert en weet hoe te gebruiken


De belangrijkste voordel is de prijs en gemak van gebruiken


De functies zijn niet overzichtelijk en het is moeilijk om te leren

Marktonderzoeker in Nederland
Filantropie, 51-200 werknemers
Heeft de software gebruikt voor: 2+ jaar
Bron van de reviewer

Fijne software, veel analyses mogelijk

4,0 2 jaar geleden

Opmerkingen: Ik gebruik dit pakket bijna dagelijks voor statistische berekeningen nav onderzoeken.


Je kan veel soorten analyses uitvoeren. Berekeningen gaan snel ongeacht grootte van het databestand. In het afgelopen jaar zijn mooie verbeteringen doorgevoerd (waaronder recovery bestanden).


De ‘help’ functie mag van mij verbeterd worden. Denk aan veelgebruikte syntaxregels. Hiervoor zet ik nu google in. De help functie is nu teveel gericht op klikpaden.

Data Analyst in Kameroen
Geverifieerde LinkedIn-gebruiker
Informatietechnologie en -diensten, 2-10 werknemers
Heeft de software gebruikt voor: 2+ jaar
Bron van de reviewer

Overwogen alternatieven:

Easy to use Statistical analysis software

5,0 2 jaar geleden

Opmerkingen: Overall, using SPSS with other statistical software like SAS JMP and Excel provides great value. The software is great but surely there is room for improvement


I Return to mostly because of its data cleaning capability and the ability to save chart templates and reuse. It is flexible for basic statistical analysis though requires an good statistical background to perform sophisticated statistical analysis with it.


The fact that the software has no algorithms that can help you decide on the right statistical test seems problematic to novices in statistical data analysis. You must know the exact test to perform, the software cannot help you decide

Sr Digital Transformation in VS
Marktonderzoek, 5.001-10.000 werknemers
Heeft de software gebruikt voor: 2+ jaar
Bron van de reviewer

SPSS for Strong Stellar Statistical Analyses that tell Stories

5,0 vorig jaar

Opmerkingen: Elated with product. Began simply using it for market research and surveys but now will run through it given its ease of use with all sorts of analyses and data.


The massiveness and extent of value it can unravel from data in processes that are "easy", intuitive, and "make sense". LOVE using product for complexly designed survey analyses - they are lots of fun


I like least that not everybody uses the software and thus miss out on these collaborative discovery sessions that leave all participants with a firmer grasp on what data story telling REALLY is

Reseearch Assistant in VK
Schoolleiding, 11-50 werknemers
Heeft de software gebruikt voor: 2+ jaar
Bron van de reviewer

Researcher's opinion about SPSS

3,0 2 jaar geleden

Opmerkingen: Since my training, I have used other software packages (JASP, R, Stata), and although I would mostly pick those over SPSS, I would still heartily recommend this software package to others. Especially to people who are less experienced with statistical reporting.


I learnt statistics using SPSS, and for that it will always be a product that has personal significance for me. It is very user friendly and the UI and ribbon, although dated, allows inexperienced users to quickly understand and navigate its functionality. For simple statistical operations, SPSS is great.


For statisticians who are more experienced, SPSS will likely feel sluggish. It does not have the kind of customisation that other packages or programming languages have, e.g. R, and it can feel slow.

Geverifieerde reviewer
Geverifieerde LinkedIn-gebruiker
Research, 2-10 werknemers
Heeft de software gebruikt voor: 1+ jaar
Bron van de reviewer

Best Statistical package for data analysis

5,0 vorig jaar


It is easier for data analysis in Statistics


It may not be used to perform all things in Data science

Geverifieerde reviewer
Geverifieerde LinkedIn-gebruiker
Ziekenhuis- en gezondheidszorgbranche, 501-1.000 werknemers
Heeft de software gebruikt voor: 2+ jaar
Bron van de reviewer

The most effective statistical software for research projects

5,0 2 jaar geleden

Opmerkingen: I start utilizing SPSS for my university research project in my senior year.Since then, I've used this software for a variety of tasks and investigations. highly recommended


Plenty of output options are available with IBM SPSS, including tables, charts, and graphs. The application makes it simpler to evaluate and demonstrate outcomes of research.Allows users to use SPSS with other statistical tools by being able to import and export data in various formats. It makes  easier to integrate with multiple research workflows.Offers automation tools such as batch processing and syntax automation that can speed up repetitive tasks . It helps researches to focus more on data interpretation and analysisThere are numerous methods for dealing with missing data, such as mean substitution, multiple imputation, and maximum likelihood estimation. These tools enable researchers to successfully address the problem of missing data, resulting in reliable and accurate analysis.


In terms of computer memory and processing power, SPSS can be demanding, especially when working with huge datasets or carrying out complex analysis. Users with older or less powerful computers may face difficulties as a result, which could affect how well the software performs.Updates to software could cause for unexpected issues or need for modifications to current workflows, potentially compromising ongoing research projects.

Post graduate student operational research in Nigeria
Geverifieerde LinkedIn-gebruiker
Schoolleiding, 51-200 werknemers
Heeft de software gebruikt voor: 2+ jaar
Bron van de reviewer

Overwogen alternatieven:

IBM spss

3,0 3 jaar geleden

Opmerkingen: It has been good so far


What I like most is; it comes with Python IDE


I can't perform most operational research analysis with it

Geverifieerde reviewer
Geverifieerde LinkedIn-gebruiker
Computer- en netwerkbeveiliging, Zelfstandig ondernemer
Heeft de software gebruikt voor: 1-5 maanden
Bron van de reviewer

A Comprehensive Review of IBM SPSS Logistic Regression

5,0 2 jaar geleden

Opmerkingen: BM SPSS Logistic Regression is a powerful software tool for data analysis and modeling, offering a range of benefits to users. While it may have some limitations, its user-friendly interface, modeling options, diagnostic tools, and reporting options make it a popular choice for researchers and analysts who are interested in exploring and modeling binary and ordinal logistic regression. However, it's essential to consider its limitations, including its cost, limited customization, steep learning curve, and lack of flexibility, when deciding whether it is the right tool for a particular research project


1. User-Friendly Interface: One of the most significant advantages of IBM SPSS Logistic Regression is its user-friendly interface. Users can easily navigate and analyze their data without requiring advanced technical skills.2. Robust Modeling Options: The software offers various modeling options, including binary, multinomial, and ordinal logistic regression models. This allows researchers to choose the model that best fits their research question and data.3. Effective Handling of Missing Data: IBM SPSS Logistic Regression offers various methods to deal with missing data, including multiple imputation and maximum likelihood estimation. This ensures that researchers can handle missing data effectively, which is particularly important when dealing with complex datasets.4. Diagnostic Tools: The software provides various diagnostic tools to assess model fit, including the Hosmer-Lemeshow goodness-of-fit test and the classification table. These tools help researchers to evaluate the quality of their models and make necessary adjustments.5. Output and Reporting Options: IBM SPSS Logistic Regression produces tables and charts that summarize the results of the logistic regression models. This makes it easy for researchers to interpret and communicate their findings effectively.


1. Cost: IBM SPSS Logistic Regression is a commercial software tool and can be expensive, especially for individual researchers or small organizations.2. Limited Customization: While the software provides various modeling options, it may not allow for the level of customization required for some research questions or datasets.3. Steep Learning Curve: Although the interface is user-friendly, there is still a learning curve involved in using IBM SPSS Logistic Regression effectively. This may require additional training or support.4. Lack of Flexibility: The software may not be as flexible as some open-source statistical software tools, which can limit its usefulness in certain research contexts.

Researcher in Italië
Schoolleiding, 1.001-5.000 werknemers
Heeft de software gebruikt voor: 6-12 maanden
Bron van de reviewer

IBM SPSS-A True Companion For Your Data Analysis

5,0 vorig jaar


It is a great tool to analyze all types of datasets (large or small) without any problems. It provides comprehensive information about your data and extracts valuable information for your research.


Graphics and the user interface should be improved. The price is a bit higher as compared with other tools.

Associate Professor in VS
Computernetwerken, 501-1.000 werknemers
Heeft de software gebruikt voor: 2+ jaar
Bron van de reviewer

IBM SPSS: Data Analysis and Management for Graduate Research

5,0 2 jaar geleden

Opmerkingen: IBM SPSS is the leading data analysis software. It was really a major support in our graduate research in the fields of big data algorithms and cloud computing.


I have used SPSS to carry data analysis and reporting for my security and cloud computing research to support the different statistical analysis and management for my simulations. I like the variable support in SPSS that gives a better data view of the samples in one Spreadsheet. The variable creation process is highly automated that makes the deployment of the statistical model much more facilitated. Moreover, the variable configuration process is very intuitive and resembles basic relational entities in RDBMSes. By the way, I integrated SPSS with prominent RDBMSes such as Oracle and MySQL.


The main limitation that occurred is the performance degradation when loading large data sets. Though, this wasn't easily replicated, we believe that the size of the data set could be the main factor resulting in the lags we experienced. The SPSS learning curve is steep and it requires a lot of training to make the user acquainted to use it effectively.

Geverifieerde reviewer
Geverifieerde LinkedIn-gebruiker
Entertainment, 201-500 werknemers
Heeft de software gebruikt voor: 1+ jaar
Bron van de reviewer

Good software for statistical analysis

4,0 vorig jaar


There is a learning curve, but it's not that difficult to find your way around the software. Good for students and employees alike.


Limited functionality compared to a lot of other statistical software

Professor/Psychologist in VS
Hoger onderwijs, 11-50 werknemers
Heeft de software gebruikt voor: 2+ jaar
Bron van de reviewer

The Best and The Rest

5,0 4 jaar geleden

Opmerkingen: After being introduced to SPSS about 10 years ago I have never used any other similar product. I have even helped colleagues who use a different program with their analyses by saving their data to a USB, using SPSS in my office, and providing them with a hard copy of the results as well as the SPSS input/output data. Typically, they want to know how to get their hands on a copy of SPSS.


SPSS is a phenomenal resource for data analysis be it for an advanced statistician or a student learning basic research methodology. The program is designed to run very simple analyses (mean, mode, median, SD, T-Tests) to complex theoretical modeling in order to identify and name IV's and DV's. SPSS provides reader-friendly and exhaustive help within the program, as well as live help if needed (which, in my experience is not very often). I love the options that I can add to the output such as graphs, charts, histograms, and what specific data means based on what I want analyzed. Much easier to use that other programs of a similar nature, which means I spend less time asking a colleague in the Math Department if I am using the most appropriate analysis based on the data collected. Also, I appreciate how easy it is to copy and paste tables and images into a text document.


Until there is a technology that allows one to immediately "download" large and complex bodies of information into the brain, I have little criticism for SPSS. If I am in deep water and do not fully understand what the "Help" section is telling me, I simply step backward until I reach a level that I do understand and move forward from there. Kind of like teaching myself. It is unreasonable to blame a program for my own limitations.

Muhammed Yasir
psycholog in Turkije
Ziekenhuis- en gezondheidszorgbranche, 5.001-10.000 werknemers
Heeft de software gebruikt voor: 2+ jaar
Bron van de reviewer

Great Tools For Academission

5,0 vorig jaar


I use for my psychology bacholer program. I use especially the compare tools.


The tools are not expland very good and cannot find easily.

Senior Project Engineer in India
Geverifieerde LinkedIn-gebruiker
Computersoftware, 10.000+ werknemers
Heeft de software gebruikt voor: 2+ jaar
Bron van de reviewer

IBM SPSS Statistics Review

4,0 2 jaar geleden


IBM SPSS Statistics is very user-friendly, and we can upload files easily. We can perform highly complex data analysis with accuracy


It is very expensive, and the setup file is huge and complicated to install. It will make the computer work slow.

Senior Project Engineer in India
Geverifieerde LinkedIn-gebruiker
Computersoftware, 10.000+ werknemers
Heeft de software gebruikt voor: 2+ jaar
Bron van de reviewer

IBM SPSS Statistics Review

4,0 2 jaar geleden


It is very user-friendly, and Analysis results will e more accurate we have many tests available we can use that according to the analysis


It is a bit costly, setting up is hard, and it needs to be more self-explanatory. it will make the system to work slow

Reviewer in Kenia
Geverifieerde LinkedIn-gebruiker
Computersoftware, Zelfstandig ondernemer
Heeft de software gebruikt voor: 2+ jaar
Bron van de reviewer

Powerful Data Analysis Tool

5,0 2 jaar geleden

Opmerkingen: Overall, IBM SPSS Statistics is a solid choice for data analysis, but it's not perfect. You'll need to weigh the pros and cons and decide if it's the right fit for you.


I found IBM SPSS Statistics to be an effective tool for analyzing data. It offers a wide range of statistical techniques and tools that allows me to delve deep into my data and uncover meaningful insights. One of the greatest advantages of this software is its user-friendly interface which makes it easy for me to access the tools and features, even as a new user of data analysis. Additionally, the visualization tools are exceptional, enabling me to create various charts and graphs that help me see patterns and trends in my data.


Now, there are a couple of downsides I least liked about it. First off, it's not exactly cheap. If you're a small organization or just a single user, you might have to fork over a decent chunk of cash to use it. And it's not the most beginner-friendly thing in the world, so you'll probably need to put in a little bit of time to learn how to use all the features. Plus, it's not open source, so that might be a deal breaker for some folks. And finally, it's not as good as R or Python for super advanced analysis.

Executive hub operations in India
Geverifieerde LinkedIn-gebruiker
Magazijnen/opslag, 1.001-5.000 werknemers
Heeft de software gebruikt voor: 1+ jaar
Bron van de reviewer

IBM SPSS statistics

4,0 2 jaar geleden


It very very good software for the beginners in data science. It is used for market research layae and we can test and save them. There are many options of tests such as regression and ANOVA ect


UI/UX would have been better and file size very large it takes more time to install and configure and it make computer work slow

Gerente de Proyectos y Comunicaciones in VS
Geverifieerde LinkedIn-gebruiker
Ziekenhuis- en gezondheidszorgbranche, 1.001-5.000 werknemers
Heeft de software gebruikt voor: 2+ jaar
Bron van de reviewer

Analyze the information of your work with this software specialized in statistics.

5,0 5 jaar geleden

Opmerkingen: The use of IBM SPSS by our company has generated excellent results in the planning, management and dissemination of our management as a Health Center. It is thanks to the options of IBM SPSS, that I have been able to systematize, compare and analyze large databases of our patients, offering better solutions to their problems and establishing the statistical data necessary for the evaluation of our activities. Large companies that wish to project themselves and compete in the market, I recommend that they use this software and thus will be able to make the best management decisions according to the evaluation of the data inherent to their company.


IBM SPSS, is a very sophisticated software that specializes in statistical analysis according to different data and variables such as graphical databases, probabilities, percentiles and so on. The most outstanding feature of this software is that it has many modules, which are the computer language of the software and allow a more exhaustive analysis of the information collected in your work. Among the most outstanding modules we have tables, categories of variables, joint analyses, maps, exact tests, data validation, analysis of lost values. It is a software that, with practice becomes the best tool for database analysis thanks to its file system, which facilitates the processing of information. Another advantage of this software is that it considerably reduces the analysis time of statistical variables, making the productivity of workers is optimal.


In order to fully manage IBM SPSS, it is necessary to apply certain computer knowledge, which means that not everyone, including expert social scientists, can use this software in its entirety.

Kirchenverwaltungsvorstand in Duitsland
Religieuze instellingen, 11-50 werknemers
Heeft de software gebruikt voor: 2+ jaar
Bron van de reviewer

SPSS - the standard tool for statistics

5,0 2 jaar geleden


Anyone who deals with statistics and data analysis cannot get around SPSS. Even newcomers can quickly get to grips with SPSS after a short familiarization period thanks to the graphical and guided interface. Data sets are quickly read in. The scope of SPSS really leaves hardly anything to be desired. A program for "home use", but also for professional and complex data analysis.


Unfortunately, SPSS can only be purchased through a monthly or annual payment plan. A single user license is unfortunately not available. For a non-profit organization or student needs it is very expensive. If the university does not have a license, one will have to resort to cheaper, opensource alternatives (like R).

finance analyst in Malawi
Fondsenwerving, 2-10 werknemers
Heeft de software gebruikt voor: Gratis proef
Bron van de reviewer

Change user interface and analysis methods

5,0 2 jaar geleden


its a bit easy to use to only those with stat knowledge but not anyone


1. So many functionalities and hard to keep track of2. Unavailability of a Linux based app

Lecturer in India
Schoolleiding, 201-500 werknemers
Heeft de software gebruikt voor: 2+ jaar
Bron van de reviewer

Review about SPSS

5,0 2 jaar geleden

Opmerkingen: Spss is must in every research. It's very easy and user friendly.. And more time saving


It is very important for every researcher. Research is not possible without it.


Single mistake in the data does not make it run properly

Independent Contractor in VS
Geverifieerde LinkedIn-gebruiker
Schoolleiding, Zelfstandig ondernemer
Heeft de software gebruikt voor: 2+ jaar
Bron van de reviewer

A sports car product

5,0 6 jaar geleden

Opmerkingen: I've used SPSS since it was only available on mainframe computers and so I am quite comfortable with the software. I can move data in and out of the system. I use SPSS for evaluation but always move to something else for visualization.


SPSS is a feature rich product that has evolved to serve professional statisticians. It can do almost everything you could imagine. The new integration with R makes it even more capable. If you are trying to perform advanced modeling it can do it. It accepts data in most formats and can export data with ease.


Like a sports car, it is not easy. The menu system is not intuitive and options can be fussy. After years of working with it, I sometimes still end up searching for the test I want. The graphics are widely accepted in academic publications but are far behind those for the more commercial press. Tables often must be reworked to meet the standards necessary for any quality report. The software comes in several flavors. This is great for saving money but often leaves people wanting features or tests only available in the next upgrade. Given the high cost of the software -- particularly for business customers -- an upgrade can be prohibitive.

Quality Assurance Quality Control in Jordanië
Bouw, 1.001-5.000 werknemers
Heeft de software gebruikt voor: 2+ jaar
Bron van de reviewer

The best tool for obtaining accurate and reliable results for statistical analyzes

5,0 3 jaar geleden

Opmerkingen: SPSS has helped automate the statistical analysis process, eliminated cumbersome manual calculations and enabled us to obtain accurate and reliable results.


SPSS is one of the best statistical analysis tools that I have dealt with, and it gives you accurate results that you can trust. SPSS provides multiple options for importing data, where I can easily import the data I want to analyze from Excel. I like the simple method in which Regression is analyzed and how the independent and dependent variables are entered. I also like how we can simply copy the results tables and send them to MS Word and Excel to complete the reports we are working on.


It's hard to find unwanted things, it's easy to use and just needs a little practice of the operations you want to perform. The availability of educational materials about all the operations that SPSS performs enables users to gain a greater understanding of the analytics they are working on.