Helpt Belgische bedrijven al 17 jaar
bij het vinden van de juiste software

Wat is Bitrix24?

Bitrix24 is software voor CRM en verkoopbevordering. Cloud- en mobiele toepassing is beschikbaar. Offertes, verkooptrechter, bronrapporten, e-mailautomatisering, verkoopautomatisering, aangepaste bedrijfsprocessen, verkoopscripts en slimme planning zijn allemaal beschikbaar in Bitrix24 om je te helpen meer te verkopen in minder tijd.

Wie gebruikt Bitrix24?

Bitrix24 is een perfecte oplossing voor alle soorten bedrijven. Bitrix24 heeft iets voor elke afdeling: verkoop, marketing, projectmanagement, HR en meer.

Waar kan Bitrix24 worden geïmplementeerd?


Over de leverancier

  • Bitrix
  • Gevestigd in Alexandria, VS
  • Opgericht in 1998

Ondersteuning voor Bitrix24

  • 24/7 (contact met medewerker)
  • Chatten

Beschikbaar in deze landen

Afghanistan, Albanië, Algerije, Amerikaans-Samoa, Amerikaanse Maagdeneilanden en nog 223 andere


Chinees, Chinees, Duits, Engels, Frans en nog 9 andere

prijzen van Bitrix24


US$ 61,00/maand
  • Ja, heeft een gratis proefversie
  • Ja, heeft een gratis versie

Bitrix24 heeft een gratis versie en biedt een gratis proefperiode. Bitrix24 betaalde versie vanaf US$ 61,00/maand.

Prijsmodellen vraag een gratis proefversie aan

Over de leverancier

  • Bitrix
  • Gevestigd in Alexandria, VS
  • Opgericht in 1998

Ondersteuning voor Bitrix24

  • 24/7 (contact met medewerker)
  • Chatten

Beschikbaar in deze landen

Afghanistan, Albanië, Algerije, Amerikaans-Samoa, Amerikaanse Maagdeneilanden en nog 223 andere


Chinees, Chinees, Duits, Engels, Frans en nog 9 andere

Video's en afbeeldingen van Bitrix24

Bitrix24 Software - 1
Bitrix24 Software - 2
Bitrix24 Software - 3
Bitrix24 Software - 4
Bitrix24 Software - 5
Nog 6 andere bekijken
Bitrix24 Software - 1
Bitrix24 Software - 2
Bitrix24 Software - 3
Bitrix24 Software - 4
Bitrix24 Software - 5

Functies van Bitrix24

  • @mentions
  • AI-content maken
  • API
  • Aanpasbare branding
  • Aanpasbare facturen
  • Aanpasbare formulieren
  • Aanpasbare rapporten
  • Aanpasbare sjablonen
  • Aanpasbare velden
  • Aanstellen (van personeel)
  • Aanwezigheid bijhouden
  • Abonneebeheer
  • Accountbeheer
  • Activiteit-/nieuwsfeed
  • Activiteiten volgen
  • Activiteitendashboard
  • Ad-hocrapportage
  • Afhankelijkheden bijhouden
  • Afspraakplanning
  • Afsprakenbeheer
  • Agendabeheer
  • Archiveren en retentie
  • Audio-/videovergaderen
  • Audio-oproepen
  • Audittrail
  • Automatic call distribution (ACD)
  • Automatisch bijwerken
  • Automatische nummerkiezer
  • Automatisering van bedrijfsprocessen
  • Autoresponders
  • Back-up en herstel
  • Batchverwerking
  • Begeleide verkoop
  • Beheer van Service Level Agreements (SLA's)
  • Beheer van deelnemers
  • Beheer van gegevensopslag
  • Beheer van negatieve feedback
  • Beheer van problemen
  • Beheer van salesactiviteit
  • Beheer van supporttickets
  • Beheer van vergaderingen
  • Beheer van verkooppipeline
  • Beheer van verlofuren
  • Beheer van voordelen
  • Beleidbeheer
  • Belgroepen
  • Beller-ID
  • Bellerprofielen
  • Bellijstbeheer
  • Benchmarking
  • Beschikbaarheidsbeheer
  • Bestanden delen
  • Bestemmingspagina's en webformulieren
  • Betalingen verwerken
  • Bevestigingen/herinneringen
  • Biometrische herkenning
  • Brainstormen
  • CAN-SPAM-compliance
  • CRM
  • Callcenterbeheer
  • Campagneanalytics
  • Campagnebeheer
  • Capaciteitsbeheer
  • Catalogusbeheer
  • Chatbot
  • Chatten/messaging
  • Communicatie via meerdere kanalen
  • Communicatiebeheer
  • Consumentgericht chatten in realtime
  • Contactenbeheer
  • Contactendatabase
  • Contentbeheer
  • Contentbibliotheek
  • Controle van goedkeuringsbeheer
  • Controle van oproepen
  • Dashboard
  • Dataconnectors
  • Discussies/forums
  • Documentbeheer
  • Documenten capture
  • Documenten opslaan
  • Doelen stellen en bijhouden
  • Donatiebeheer
  • Donorenbeheer
  • Door gebeurtenissen geactiveerde acties
  • Drip -campagnes
  • E-mailbeheer
  • E-mailmarketing
  • E-mailsjablonen
  • Elektronische formulieren
  • Elektronische handtekening
  • Enquêtes en feedback
  • Erkenning van medewerkers
  • Evenementenbeheer
  • Evenementplanning
  • Expositie- en leveranciersbeheer
  • Factureerbare en niet-factureerbare uren
  • Factureren
  • Factuurbeheer
  • Feedbackbeheer
  • Financieel beheer
  • Formulierbeheer
  • Formulieren maken en ontwerpen
  • Gantt-/tijdlijnweergave
  • Geautomatiseerde deelnemer
  • Geautomatiseerde offertes
  • Geautomatiseerde planning
  • Geautomatiseerde routing
  • Gebruikersbeheer
  • Gedeelde contacten
  • Gegevens importeren en exporteren
  • Gegevenssynchronisatie
  • Gegevensverzameling via meerdere kanalen
  • Gegevensvisualisatie
  • Geotargeting
  • Gespreksanalyse
  • Geïntegreerde bedrijfsvoering
  • Goedkeuringswerkstroom
  • Grafische workfloweditor
  • HR-beheer
  • Herinneringen
  • IVR-software
  • Ideeënbeheer
  • Inbound callcenter
  • Integratie van computertelefonie
  • Integratie van derden
  • Integratie van sociale media
  • Integraties van derden
  • Interactie bijhouden
  • Invoer via telefoontoetsen
  • KPI-controle
  • Kalender-/herinneringssysteem
  • Kalenderbeheer
  • Kalendersynchronisatie
  • Kanaalbeheer
  • Kanban-bord
  • Kansenbehee
  • Kennisbankbeheer
  • Kennisbeheer
  • Klanten volgen
  • Klantenbeheer
  • Klantenbinding
  • Klantendatabase
  • Klantenondersteuning
  • Klantenportal
  • Klantensegmenten
  • Klantgeschiedenis
  • Kleurcodes en -pictogrammen
  • Klikken bijhouden
  • Kortingsbeheer
  • Lead nurturing
  • Leaddistributie
  • Leadkwalificatie
  • Leadmeldingen
  • Leads beheren
  • Leads genereren
  • Leads vastleggen
  • Leadsegmentering
  • Ledendatabase
  • Ledenlijst
  • Lidmaatschapsbeheer
  • Lijstbeheer
  • Live chatten
  • Markeren
  • Marketing via meerdere kanalen
  • Marketingautomatisering
  • Marketingkalender
  • Massa-sms
  • Mediabibliotheek
  • Meerdere campagnes
  • Meerdere gegevensbronnen
  • Meerdere valuta's
  • Messaging
  • Mijlpalen bijhouden
  • Mobiele app
  • Mobiele toegang
  • Offertes
  • Offline formulier
  • Onkosten bijhouden
  • Online betalingen
  • Online formulieren
  • Online kalender
  • Online reserveren
  • Online winkelontwerp
  • Op rollen gebaseerde toestemmingen
  • Opdrachtenbeheer
  • Opmerkingen/notities
  • Opnemen
  • Oproepen doorsturen
  • Oproepen opnemen
  • Oproepen routeren
  • Oproepregistratie
  • Oproepscripts
  • Opties voor contentpublishing
  • Optimalisatie voor mobiel
  • Outbound callcenter
  • Overdrachten en routering
  • PBX
  • Patiëntcommunicatie
  • Personalisatie
  • Personalisatie van berichten
  • Personeelsbeheer
  • Personeelsfoto's
  • Personeelslijst
  • Personeelsplanning
  • Personeelsportal
  • Pipelinebeheer
  • Plannen
  • Portefeuillebeheer
  • Predictief kiezen
  • Predictieve analyse
  • Prestatiebeheer
  • Prestatiemeetwaarden
  • Prijs- en kostenberekeningen
  • Prijsbeheer
  • Priorisering
  • Privénetwerk
  • Proces- en workflowautomatisering
  • Procesmodellering en -ontwerp
  • Productconfigurator
  • Productiviteitsanalyse
  • Prognose
  • Projectbeheer
  • Projecten bijhouden
  • Projectplanning
  • Projecttijd bijhouden
  • Provisiebeheer
  • Pulse surveys
  • ROI bijhouden
  • Rapportage en analyse
  • Rapportage en statistieken
  • Rapportage van bezettingsgraad
  • Rapportage/projecten volgen
  • Realtime bewerken
  • Realtime chatten
  • Realtime meldingen
  • Realtime synchronisatie
  • Realtime updates
  • Registratiebeheer
  • Resourcebeheer
  • Resources plannen
  • Responsief webdesign
  • Roadmapping
  • Roadmaps van producten
  • Roosterbeheer
  • SEO-beheer
  • SIP-trunking
  • Samenwerking tussen meerdere gebruikers
  • Samenwerkingstools
  • Scherm delen
  • Segmentering
  • Sjablonen
  • Sjabloonbeheer
  • Slepen en neerzetten
  • Sms-berichten
  • Social marketing
  • Sociale promotie
  • Sprint planning
  • Status bijhouden
  • Strategische planning
  • Subtaakbeheer
  • Taakbeheer
  • Taakplanning
  • Taakvoortgang bijhouden
  • Taken bewerken
  • Teammanagement
  • Tekst naar spraak
  • Tekstbewerking
  • Telefoongesprekken transcriberen
  • Termijnbewaking
  • Tijd bijhouden
  • Tijd en aanwezigheid
  • Tijd en onkosten bijhouden
  • Toegangsopties/machtigingen
  • Trainingsbeheer
  • Transcripten/chatgeschiedenis
  • Tweewegs audio en video
  • Vakantie en verlof bijhouden
  • Vergaderen
  • Verkoopgoedkeuring
  • Verkooprapporten
  • Versiebheer
  • Videovergaderen
  • Virtuele extensies
  • Visuele analyse
  • VoIP
  • Voicemail
  • Volgen en analyseren van gebruik
  • Volgen van sollicitanten
  • Voor callcenters
  • Voor de verzekeringsbranche
  • Voor financiële instellingen
  • Voor religieuze organisaties
  • Voor schoonheidsinstituten en wellnesscenters
  • Voorgedefinieerde sjablonen
  • Voorstellen genereren
  • Voortgang bijhouden
  • Vrijwilligersbeheer
  • WYSIWYG-editor
  • Waarschuwingen/Meldingen
  • Waarschuwingen/escalatie
  • Wachtrijbeheer
  • Website-integratie
  • Websitebeheer
  • Werknemersdatabase
  • Werknemersprofielen
  • Werkorderbeheer
  • Werkprognoses
  • Wervingsbeheer
  • Widgets
  • Workflowbeheer
  • Workflowconfiguratie
  • Zelfserviceportal
  • Zoeken in gehele tekst
  • Zoeken/filteren

Bitrix24 alternatieven

Software voor business intelligence van Salesforce. Bekijk alle gegevens, krijg direct antwoorden en werk samen met je team.
Nutshell is geavanceerd genoeg voor elk bedrijf, eenvoudig genoeg voor elke gebruiker en is de onverwacht krachtige CRM waar verkoopteams dol op zijn.
Jira is de populairste software-ontwikkelingstool die wordt gebruikt door flexibele teams. Miljoenen kiezen Jira om geweldige producten te plannen en te bouwen. Probeer het gratis! Meer informatie over Jira
Maximizer is niet zomaar een CRM-softwareprovider – het biedt bedrijven een bewezen concurrentievoordeel!
Een tijdgerichte oplossing voor taak-, project- en workflowbeheer, compleet met prachtige dashboards en krachtige AI-compatibele rapporten.
Dropbox Business is de veilige oplossing voor het delen en opslaan van bestanden – geliefd bij werknemers en vertrouwd door IT-beheerders. Ga vandaag nog gratis aan de slag!
Geïntegreerde bedrijfsmanagementoplossing die financiële, klantrelatie- en supply chain-processen automatiseert.
Zendesk stelt bedrijven in staat om uitstekende klantenondersteuning te bieden via meerdere kanalen, waaronder e-mail, chat, telefoon en sms.
Cloudgebaseerde toepassing die is ontwikkeld voor zakelijke communicatie om te helpen bij het beheren van chat, vergaderingen, bestanden delen en meer.

Bitrix24 reviews

Gemiddelde score

In totaal
Waar voor je geld

Reviews op basis van bedrijfsgrootte (werknemers)

  • <50
  • 51-200
  • 201-1.000
  • >1.001
Finance in Brazilië
Geverifieerde LinkedIn-gebruiker
Marketing en reclame, 2-10 werknemers
Heeft de software gebruikt voor: 6-12 maanden
Bron van de reviewer

Great task management platform. Great freemium version!

5,0 8 maanden geleden

Opmerkingen: Overall Bitrix24 has been great for my business. Having a place to see all the tasks, assign to employees and follow up on the work has really saved me time and money!


For task management it's FREE, it's easy to set up, it's easy to use.


There are many features that I haven't had the chance to use because it would require me to take some time to review it, test, and implement with the team.

Reactie Bitrix

7 maanden geleden

Thank you for your positive review and for choosing Bitrix24 as your task management platform, Paulo! We're thrilled to hear that our free version has met your business needs, making setup and daily use easy and efficient. We understand that exploring new features can require time and effort, and we're here to support you through that process. Our team is ready to help with resources, training, and support to ensure you can make the most out of Bitrix24. Your success in saving time and money by streamlining task management and team coordination is exactly what we aim for. Thank you for sharing your experience, and we look forward to continuing to support your business growth.

New Business Development in Filipijnen
Marketing en reclame, 11-50 werknemers
Heeft de software gebruikt voor: 1+ jaar
Bron van de reviewer

Try it! Bitrix is our pick and we've tried a lot of what's out there.

4,0 3 maanden geleden

Opmerkingen: great, ive been using it for years. ive tried a whole bunch of others, trello, asana, clickup, basecamp etc etc....


all in one platform , we started with our business unit that is a marketing agency and will gradually expand its use to our business units.


hoping for more integration with other platforms like APOLLO , or platforms for marketing, sales and data.

Overwogen alternatieven: Trello, Basecamp, ClickUp en Asana

Redenen om voor Bitrix24 te kiezen: bitrix was able to consolidate a bunch. i just wish it had OKR capability

Overgestapt van: Trello, Basecamp, ClickUp en Asana

Redenen om over te stappen op Bitrix24: ease of use and consolidation of tools/use cases

Reactie Bitrix

3 maanden geleden

Thank you for your review and for being a part of the Bitrix24 community! We're delighted to hear that you find our platform to be a versatile and valuable tool for your business. If you have any further feedback, suggestions, or need assistance with any aspect of Bitrix24, please don't hesitate to reach out.

Project Manager in Zwitserland
Internet, 2-10 werknemers
Heeft de software gebruikt voor: 2+ jaar
Bron van de reviewer

Bitrix24 is a good Task Management Software

4,0 2 maanden geleden Nieuw

Opmerkingen: Support is fast and solution orientated.


Many functions, acts a global enterprise solution.


Some features and functions are not elaborated and thought well.

Reactie Bitrix

2 maanden geleden

Hi Pietro! Thank you for sharing your valuable feedback on your daily use of Bitrix24. We look forward to continuing to support your business's growth and success.

HR in Armenië
Marketing en reclame, 11-50 werknemers
Heeft de software gebruikt voor: 1+ jaar
Bron van de reviewer

My humble opinion as a beginner

3,0 3 maanden geleden

Opmerkingen: I worked at marketing agency as an HR and executive assistant. All the processes were under my supervision. We had several sections. Sales, HR, trainings, and company drive. We mainly use to keep our sales stages and he stages. Unfortunately we don't generate any documents, though I know it's possible. So the main advantages of this CRM were out of our operations. And it is costly I think


I have been working with bitrix24 over a year. To be honest it was my first time to work with CRM. As a management tool to simplify many processes I did like it. Also drive option on corporate and individual level to store your files. Bitrix 24 offers many options, but it's a little complicated. Existing chat feature that allows to creat any group or meeting chats, to make it confidential is great. To limit opportunities vor B and A level employees is also a good option in operation. Also I like task management features. Deadlines attendee observer Features. Unfortunately the company I worked with didn't use many features of this CRM to have greater benefit out of it: sales pipelines, documenting features. Overall for the beginner level I liked it.


As a C level worker, I used all the features our company had an access. And the abundance of buttons and confirmation were too much. I didn't like to put save button at any turn.

Reactie Bitrix

2 maanden geleden

Thank you for sharing your positive experiences and constructive feedback about Bitrix24. We're here to support your continued success with Bitrix24 and are keen to make your experience even better.

Juan Carlos
Development and Programming Bitrix Coordinator in Colombia
Financiële dienstverlening, 51-200 werknemers
Heeft de software gebruikt voor: 2+ jaar
Bron van de reviewer

We use Bitrix24 because is good

5,0 3 maanden geleden

Opmerkingen: We developed Bitrix24 in our company, we adapt it to our process, it was a seamless implementation process because Bitrix is very flexible. We managed to sale 35% more in the first year, thanks to this platform.


Flexibility, adaptability, it has a lot of tools and a strong api directory.


It does not have multiple steps automated campaigns.

Overwogen alternatieven: HubSpot Marketing Hub, Zoho CRM, Asana en HubSpot CRM

Redenen om over te stappen op Bitrix24: Because it is very complete, it is not an ERP, but it gets close to it and it is affordable.

Reactie Bitrix

2 maanden geleden

Thank you so much for taking the time to share your detailed feedback about Bitrix24, Juan Carlos! We're thrilled to hear that you've found our platform to be a powerful ally in fostering collaboration and boosting productivity within your company.

IT Specjalist in Polen
Groothandel, 11-50 werknemers
Heeft de software gebruikt voor: 6-12 maanden
Bron van de reviewer

Much done, but still much to improve

3,0 3 maanden geleden

Opmerkingen: I would love to see a place where users can submit their ideas for developing the app - and others vote on these ideas. The ideas with the most votes would be introduced first. At the moment, I don't know at what stage my amendment is being submitted, when it will be introduced and if it will be at all (because maybe it only bothers me).


Great flexibility in the programme and the ability to add your own functions to many modules.


Poorly developed very basic functions that issue the basis for work. Holiday requests - does not count remaining holiday days Chat - it is not possible to change status to e.g.: homeoffice (as is the case with slack). No autosave in tasks. Mail client that is completely undeveloped.

Reactie Bitrix

3 maanden geleden

Thank you for your comprehensive review and for choosing Bitrix24, Lukasz! Your feedback is invaluable as we continuously work to improve our set of tools. Thank you for your support and for being part of the Bitrix24 community!

Executive Director in VS
E-learning, 2-10 werknemers
Heeft de software gebruikt voor: 6-12 maanden
Bron van de reviewer

Bitrix24 provides a lot of features for your business

4,0 8 maanden geleden


I liked the versatility of the features and having them all on one platform.


I feel as though Bitrix24 is not very user-friendly. It has wonderful features, but it is a little technical.

Reactie Bitrix

7 maanden geleden

Thank you for your review and for highlighting the versatility of Bitrix24, Tembi. We're proud to offer a comprehensive platform that meets a wide range of business needs. We understand your concerns about user-friendliness and acknowledge that the technical nature of our features can be challenging. We're committed to improving our platform's usability and providing resources to help users navigate our system more easily. Your feedback is crucial in guiding these improvements, and we're grateful for the opportunity to serve your business needs better. Thank you for choosing Bitrix24 as your all-in-one solution.

Geverifieerde reviewer
Geverifieerde LinkedIn-gebruiker
Marketing en reclame, 11-50 werknemers
Heeft de software gebruikt voor: 6-12 maanden
Bron van de reviewer

Not very user friendly

3,0 7 maanden geleden

Opmerkingen: Some of our clients don't like Hubspot, or find it too expensive. They usually go for Bitrix or Zoho CRM. Bitrix is good, but adds too much overhead for us and additional stress.


I liked that it had a lot of features to offer. We considered this product for a client of ours after they brought it to our attention. Doing integrations was painful as a lot of bugs happened in this system


It's very user-friendly, but the design made it difficult for our client's employees to work on it and we had to bring in a Bitrix expert to do continuous training for them.

Overwogen alternatieven: Zoho CRM en HubSpot CRM

Redenen om over te stappen op Bitrix24: It was mostly cost for most of the customers that have decided to use it.

Reactie Bitrix

7 maanden geleden

Thank you for taking the time to share your feedback. We're glad to hear that the extensive features of Bitrix24 caught your attention. We understand that the complexity of our system can sometimes be challenging, and we're continuously working on making our platform more user-friendly and intuitive. We appreciate your honesty and will take your comments into consideration as we strive to improve.

CEO in Italië
Kunst en nijverheid, 2-10 werknemers
Heeft de software gebruikt voor: Gratis proef
Bron van de reviewer

If you need a tool to make your business simple, look elsewhere

3,0 2 maanden geleden

Opmerkingen: Bad, I've deleted my account after the trial since I had too many issues and lost time while working on it


Surely it's full of features, basically anything a CRM can have.


Its price and assistance are very bad. It is very costly if you really want to use all of its feature and if you have just a simple problem and need to get in touch with the support team, it can be awful. Design can be better too.

Overwogen alternatieven: Flowlu en Asana

Redenen om over te stappen op Bitrix24: I didn't actually. I moved to anther CRM, Freedcamp.

Reactie Bitrix

2 maanden geleden

Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts and experiences with Bitrix24. We truly value the feedback from our users as it helps us to continuously improve and better serve your needs.

Export Dep. in Turkije
Internationale handel en ontwikkeling, 2-10 werknemers
Heeft de software gebruikt voor: 6-12 maanden
Bron van de reviewer

One of the perfect

5,0 9 maanden geleden

Opmerkingen: We are a team of 4 people, which is in different location and country. We chose Bitrix for its simplicity, multi-language and are used on android.


There are a maximum of options with an easy to use interface.


What I like about plsu is the application on android. I did not find an application that has other resemblance with the web version.

Accounts and Office Admin in Australië
Fabricage van elektrische/elektronische producten, 2-10 werknemers
Heeft de software gebruikt voor: 2+ jaar
Bron van de reviewer

Try it - you'll like it!

5,0 3 maanden geleden

Opmerkingen: Very good. Relatively easy to use and customise for our business.


Customisable, relatively easily with support from notes and bitrix chat support.


Difficult to keep abreast of feature enhancements due to length of youtube videos and sometimes support notes are not easy to understand.

Reactie Bitrix

3 maanden geleden

Thank you for your review and for being part of the Bitrix24 community! We're glad to hear that you find Bitrix24 customizable and easy to use for your business.

Co-Founder and CEO in Israël
Nutsbedrijven, 2-10 werknemers
Heeft de software gebruikt voor: 1+ jaar
Bron van de reviewer

Bitric24 10/10 Rating

5,0 7 maanden geleden


Qualifications for multi-purpose functions, Online meeting bookings and scheduling. Employee intranet portal and mass messaging. Online P/TM capabilities. OKR and KPI monitoring. Project completion time estimate. Online proofing and digital marketing tools.


Bitric24 is awesome software with all we need.

Reactie Bitrix

7 maanden geleden

Thank you for the stellar review and 10/10 rating, Norah! We're thrilled to hear Bitrix24 meets all your needs, from project management to digital marketing tools. Your switch from multiple platforms to Bitrix24 underscores the versatility and comprehensive features we strive to offer. We appreciate your support and look forward to continuing to serve your business needs.

Office Manager in VS
Medische praktijk, 51-200 werknemers
Heeft de software gebruikt voor: 1+ jaar
Bron van de reviewer

A Powerful Tool You Need!

5,0 8 maanden geleden


What I love most about Bitrix24 is that we only need one system to handle everything! I don't need 3 separate systems for accounting, CRM, task management- I only need just this one.


I've had plenty of time working with Bitrix24 to test out it's performance and it hasn't let us down! I have no dislikes.

Reactie Bitrix

7 maanden geleden

Thank you for your glowing review, Nathalie! We're delighted to hear that Bitrix24 has become your all-in-one solution for accounting, CRM, and task management. It's our goal to provide a powerful and reliable tool that meets all your business needs. Your satisfaction and success with Bitrix24 mean the world to us. Thank you for choosing us and for your trust in our platform.

Oilfield infrastructure Administrator in Kenia
Geverifieerde LinkedIn-gebruiker
Olie en energie, 501-1.000 werknemers
Heeft de software gebruikt voor: 2+ jaar
Bron van de reviewer

Advancing in collaboration and project management with Bitrix24.

5,0 vorig jaar

Opmerkingen: Bitrix24 is a fantastic digital workspace that allows us to work closely and collaboratively during our projects. It makes information sharing and communication pretty easy. It helps us to keep our project works very organized and perform all our duties within the timelines we have set.


Bitrix24 has been a good and reliable solution to us and thats why we constantly use it to collaborate during our works mostly in projects. The support we get is exceptional and the team is very dedicated to ensure we solve our issues as quickly as possible. Communicating during projects is easy thanks to the video calls, online meetings and the instant messaging functions. We have also seen Bitrix24 keeping our files very safe.


Bitrix24 is not very user-friendly to use and for us, we needed some training in the initial stages so as to learn how we can make the best use of its features.

Digital Content Creator in VK
Omroepen, 2-10 werknemers
Heeft de software gebruikt voor: 1+ jaar
Bron van de reviewer

Bitrix24, a great customer support tool and it's free

5,0 2 maanden geleden

Opmerkingen: I's a great customer support tool an all in one solution.


It makes it so much easier to analyse the success of sales and it's useful in executing projects that require communication and collaboration.


Not sure of any downside because it makes for seamless collaboration with my team mates. And it's free!

Reactie Bitrix

2 maanden geleden

Thank you for your review of Bitrix24, Jessica! We're delighted to hear that you find our platform to be a versatile and valuable tool for your business. If you have any further feedback, suggestions, or need assistance with any aspect of Bitrix24, please don't hesitate to reach out.

Director of Operations in VS
Financiële dienstverlening, 51-200 werknemers
Heeft de software gebruikt voor: 2+ jaar
Bron van de reviewer

Online Time Clock: Bitrix24

5,0 vorig jaar

Opmerkingen: Real-time file sharing.Team collaboration.Task and project management.


It combines CRM, file sharing, time tracking, task and project management tools in one central repository.


I have used Bitrix24 for quite long now and I pike how the vendor technical team respond rapidly to our queries whenever we have issues.

CEO in Armenië
Geverifieerde LinkedIn-gebruiker
Marketing en reclame, 11-50 werknemers
Heeft de software gebruikt voor: Gratis proef
Bron van de reviewer

Testing the CRM

3,0 8 maanden geleden


Overall not too bad, or even could be good for other purposes other than B2B Sales.


For B2B Sales - not the best and user-friendly CRM.

Reactie Bitrix

7 maanden geleden

Thank you for sharing your feedback on testing Bitrix24 CRM. Your insights are valuable to us as we continuously work to improve our platform and better meet the diverse needs of our users.

President in VS
Computersoftware, Zelfstandig ondernemer
Heeft de software gebruikt voor: 1+ jaar
Bron van de reviewer

Challenging but worth it

5,0 5 maanden geleden

Opmerkingen: Overall my experience with the platform was okay. A little challenging at times because their approach is not conventional but it gets the job done well once setup correctly


The robust offering it provides is more than sufficient


A bit on the pricey side of the spectrum

Overwogen alternatieven: Dynamics 365

Redenen om over te stappen op Bitrix24: I preferred the mix of functionality better

Reactie Bitrix

5 maanden geleden

Thank you for your review, Duane! We’re pleased to know that you preferred our mix of functionality and we wish you continued success in your business endeavors with the help of Bitrix24!

SVP of Marketing in VS
Geverifieerde LinkedIn-gebruiker
Detailhandel, 201-500 werknemers
Heeft de software gebruikt voor: 6-12 maanden
Bron van de reviewer

Bitrix24 transforms immediate searches

5,0 2 jaar geleden

Opmerkingen: Bitrix24 is used as a data center to store information about leads, customers, competitors and as a social network that promotes communication between different areas of the company for the purpose of recording important information. It became our main information system because it has a powerful search tool that makes queries easier and faster. We also use work groups to divide information based on regions or user levels.


If your business is not very large or complex, the free version is sufficient. It is easy to connect with other programs that automate marketing campaigns. The simplified feature is a great way to share information and communicate with everyone who uses it or just a specific group. Segmentation can be done based on subgroups. The search function is excellent, allowing you to find information previously organized by company or contact.


The features that take care of managing deals and the sales funnel are more complex than those of other cloud CRM providers. We tried using it initially, but it wasn't what we were looking for. The permissions function is reduced. We tried to identify the type of person who has their own business/contacts in mind, but it was not possible. Sometimes the interface of a system is too complex in certain sections.

Andrés J
Andrés J
CEO in Colombia
Geverifieerde LinkedIn-gebruiker
E-learning, 2-10 werknemers
Heeft de software gebruikt voor: 2+ jaar
Bron van de reviewer

An interesting CRM/Intranet Alternative

3,0 vorig jaar


Their free tier is amazing, and I really like the idea of being and expended CRM, Intranet and more. Bitrix24 is its own category, and I haven't found a similar tool covering so many bases.


By having so many features, it can be confusing at times. It will take some time to take full advantage of what Bitrix24 has to offer.

Overwogen alternatieven: Pipedrive en HubSpot CRM

Overgestapt van: SugarCRM

CEO in Egypte
Landbouw, 11-50 werknemers
Heeft de software gebruikt voor: 2+ jaar
Bron van de reviewer

a little bit of this and that

4,0 2 jaar geleden

Opmerkingen: its the bumping heart of the business helped me to run a mega operation company with so mush less employees


a nice collection of features that really help kick start the business


very slow deployment of new necessary needed features

Overwogen alternatieven: Zoho CRM, Pipedrive en Salesforce Sales Cloud

Redenen om over te stappen op Bitrix24: free features and pricing

Agent in Benin
Geverifieerde LinkedIn-gebruiker
Horeca, 2-10 werknemers
Heeft de software gebruikt voor: 1-5 maanden
Bron van de reviewer

Avis bitrix24

4,0 vorig jaar

Opmerkingen: it's a good software that allowed me to have less time at work in the management of my company and to be closer to my customers, however it should review its price


allows me to reduce my working time in the management of my projects to be closer to my clients with simple and user-friendly software


what makes it less competitive with others is its high cost

IT in Japan
Geverifieerde LinkedIn-gebruiker
Luchtvaart(maatschappijen), 51-200 werknemers
Heeft de software gebruikt voor: 2+ jaar
Bron van de reviewer

There are problems with using in Japan. (Include Double byte area, I guess)

3,0 2 jaar geleden

Opmerkingen: I love this product very much, but I cannot recommend it in Japan unless the above problems are solved. Missing an opportunity.


It is inexpensive and can be used very profitably once the concept is understood.


1.There are no Japanese fonts available for Bitrix24Doc.2.Reading office files is very slow, perhaps due to regional issues.3.Cannot input 2-byte characters for scrum input.4.Videoconferencing is very unstable.>Due to the above problems, it could not be the main infrastructure of the company.

IT Coordinator in Turkije
Horeca, 11-50 werknemers
Heeft de software gebruikt voor: 1+ jaar
Bron van de reviewer

Collaborate and succeed with Bitrix24

4,0 vorig jaar

Opmerkingen: Impressive all-in-one solution, Bitrix24 simplifies our operations.


Task management simplified with Bitrix24, loving the progress!


Higher-tier plans get expensive, more affordable options desired.

Manager in VS
Marktonderzoek, 11-50 werknemers
Heeft de software gebruikt voor: 1+ jaar
Bron van de reviewer

Review Bitrix24

5,0 vorig jaar

Opmerkingen: it is a very useful tool for any business who wants faster and effective way of reaching and communicating with its employees.


Bitrix24 helped my company stay organized in its conversations with existing & potential clients.


It's mobile app functionality is quite limited. Bitrix offers a lot of features. It would be nice to have those features laid out in an easier layout.

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