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Over Canva
Maak presentaties en socialemedia-graphics met behulp van een grafische vormgevingstool die werkt met slepen en neerzetten en professionele opmaken.
Easy to use, i love the remove background feature, its easier for me to edit images swiftly. The stickers and the fonts are also great.
The only defect of this app is for sure that it is not completely free. For those who do not use it professionally or are not yet able to invest money it ends up becoming bad.
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Flawless Graphic Design and Layout
Programma top. Wel oppassen met facturen.
Opmerkingen: Het is echt wel een aanrader. Super in gebruik. Pas dus alleen heel goed op als je een abonnement afsluit. Ze kunnen hem zomaar omzetten. Ik lees meer mensen die bijna een uur bezig zijn om hun abonnement op te zeggen. Echt een heel groot nadeel.
Het is een waanzinnig goed product. Je kan er echt alles mee maken.
Ik ben woedend! Na jarenlang trouw klant te zijn, is mijn abonnement zonder enige waarschuwing omgezet naar een Teams-abonnement, enkel omdat ik ooit één keer met iemand heb samengewerkt aan een uitnodiging. En dan krijg ik nog een mail ook waarin ze beweren dat ik een "voordeel" krijg omdat ik al zo lang klant ben, terwijl ik nu ineens 70 euro meer moet betalen! Dit is absurd. Ze hebben zonder mijn toestemming mijn abonnement omgezet naar een duurder Teams-abonnement, terwijl ik altijd een Pro-abonnement heb gehad. Dit is duidelijk te zien op al mijn facturen. En nu moet ik mijn abonnement opzeggen en zelf een nieuw abonnement afsluiten? Dit is hun fout, niet de mijne!
Top hulp voor socials
Opmerkingen: Makkelijk te gebruiken, je download makkelijk afbeeldingen die je nodig hebt en kan eenvoudig nieuwe beelden in bestandsformaten die wenselijk zijn.
Ik gebruik het heel vaak voor visuals op mijn socials. Zowel stills in de ideale formaten van Meta, als reeks met een serie artwork en teksten. Ideaal !
Ik zie helemaal geen nadelen aan Canva, de gratis versie is al top, de betaalde nog veel beter
Opmerkingen: Ik ben erg enthousiast over Canva. Canva daagt mij uit om creatiever te worden en out of the box te denken. Het programma werkt goed doordat je mappen kan aanmaken en ontwerpen nooit kwijt raakt doordat ze automatisch worden opgeslagen.
Via Canva kan je gemakkelijk achtergronden verwijderen van afbeeldingen, daarnaast kan je afbeeldingen makkelijk bijsnijden en filters toepassen. Dit zorgt er voor dat je snel kan werken. Ook de brede selectie van sjablonen, pictogrammen, stockfoto's etc. zijn van grote meerwaarden.
De tekstgrote veranderd mee als je het tekstvak wild aanpassen, wat voor extra werk zorgt. Ik werk sinds kort met canvapro, maar als je dit niet hebt zijn wel erg veel pictogrammen en sjablonen niet beschikbaar/bruikbaar.
Review Canva
Opmerkingen: Sinds ik ben overgestapt van microsoft powerpoint zijn mn presentaties een stuk strakker en professioneler geworden, waardoor uitleg op bepaalde vlakken gemakkelijker is geworden
Met canva kan je de visualisatie van je presentatie een stuk strakker en mooier krijgen in vergelijking met andere producten. Ook is het fijn dat er een erg groot arsenaal is aan kant en klare templates.
Canva is minder gebruiksvriendelijk dan andere presentatie software, hierdoor is het lastiger te gebruiken voor nieuwe gebruikers, ook is er een bepaalde mate van creativiteit vereist.

Opmerkingen: Canva is makkelijk te gebruiken, overzichtelijk en kan elke pitch omtoveren tot een aantrekkelijke presentatie. Mijn presentaties worden ook automatisch opgeslagen. Het was fijn om te weten dat Canva mijn presentatie had opgeslagen nadat ik per ongeluk mijn browser wegklikte. Ik heb nu twee presentaties met succes gemaakt met behulp van de gratis proefversie van Canva. Ik ben hier erg te spreken over en ik verwacht een aankoop te doen indien ik dit programma vaker ga gebruiken. Ik raad iedereen aan Canva uit te proberen!
Zeer simpel te gebruiken Bewaart automatisch presentaties Overzichtelijk en makkelijk Presentatief aantrekkelijk Origineel
Moeite met grootte verstellen van foto's Foto's kan ik niet kopiëren en plakken (deze moeten eerst geüpload worden).
Fijne tool
Opmerkingen: Over het algemeen ben ik erg tevreden met Canva en is het een makkelijke manier om bestanden op te leuken of te maken
Het is fijn dat er een gratis versie is. Daarin is ook al veel mogelijk en je kunt veel gebruiken met deze versie. Het werkt daarnaast heel gebruikersvriendelijk en alle functies spreken erg voor zich
Je bent wat beperkter in het bewerken van foto's dan met andere bewerkingssoftware.

Good Design Program For Beginners
Opmerkingen: Canva has been a great tool for our clients who have a design in mind and want to take a try at creating it to save on typesetting costs from us. We also use this internally for our own designs and social media and it makes scheduling a breeze.
This is the best user-friendly design app I have come across. They are up-to-date with the latest features and integrations that I could ever want to implement. The software is also easy to share files between us and our customers in case we need to make any quick edits.
The interface is beginning to get a bit cluttered and hard to find the commonly used tools that have now been rolled into other sections. You do have to have some design knowledge now to know what the name of the service or action you are looking for is.
Overwogen alternatieven:
Good software for beginners but becoming more complicated
Opmerkingen: Easy to use - although this is decreasing.
Wide range of creative options i.e. Instagram, Facebook, Presentations, Videos etc. Ease of use of basic functionality e.g. creation of simple videos, preset templates. Great to be able to directly access photos, videos, audio etc.
That they seem to be adding more and more functionality that is not necessarily making it more useful but is definitely making it more complicated to use and I feel that the initial appeal (of it being an quick and easy way to create content for those not knowledgeable on specialised software such as Adobe or Davinci resolve) is being lost. I feel some of the features are being added should first be improved e.g. AI functions. Not good for complicated videos - e.g. multiple audio
Overwogen alternatieven:
Universal Tool for Beginners
Opmerkingen: Overall, its great because so many people use it. Its a universal tool for beginners.
Its easy to use for beginners and has lots of great features.
Its a glitchy platform and file organzing is a mess.
Canva for Life!
Opmerkingen: Amazing, I have made some incredible designs and because of the new tools and developments within the software that they continuously build on, my work over the last few years has only gotten better and better!
The versatility, hands down. I am always saying to people that "I can do that in Canva" because it literally offers such a diverse set of design options with completely customizable content and amazing starting templates.
Honestly the only thing that annoys me when working within canva is how my files are organized. I have to dig and dig and dig sometimes to find a file. However, I must say that if I would have been smart, I would have labelled all my files with specific searchable titles and created folders for the various different projects I worked on. It does offer the tools for organization, so this con is probably more user error and lack of thinking ahead. I plan to reorganize it all one day but it will be a daunting task. Luckily Canva saves me time!
I love Canva and use it for so many projects.
Opmerkingen: I love Canva. Their program is useful for so many aspects of design and they are constantly improving and building on the program. I use Canva for just about everything design related.
Almost everything. I use this program to help me assemble magazine layouts, social media posts, covers for videos, you name it.
Some features are a bit hard to find but that's my only frustration.
Canva pro is user friendly and amazon tool for everyday use
Opmerkingen: Great. hands down one of the best programs that I use almost everyday
Everything about this program. You can basically do anything with Canva pro that you can image with so many examples and ideas that they supply as well.
Using the phone app can be difficult but it is still a great tool.
Design it up with Canva
Opmerkingen: GREAT the experience was very good, it is one of the best software you could get to designing anything you want from posters to instagram stories and what not and the pre made templates make everything more easier
The best thing about Canva are the pre made templates, graphics and designs which we can use to make our own designs
the thing I don't like is that there is no option to create designs offline or to download templates and use them offline
Overwogen alternatieven:
Best app ever!
I love how easy it is to use and the variety of things you can do with it. It's also priced very reasonably.
I really can't think of anything that is a con.
Canva makes my life easier
Opmerkingen: Our experience with Canva has been wonderful, they have provided us with the capability of producing excellent designs.
Canva makes my life so much easier! I don't have time to make custom unique graphics often, so Canva templates saves me so much time.
There isn't anything I don't really like about Canva that I can think of.
Canva is better than photoshop
Opmerkingen: Overall, I like Canva way more than Photoshop.
I like how much it has to offer and how it helps you bring your ideas to life
I wish you could edit more on canva. You can’t really break down an image like you can on photoshop.

Educational Necessity
Opmerkingen: I started using Canva a few years ago and the more I used it. The more I loved it. It is user friendly and the user interface specifically designed for Educators has been a game changer in my classroom.
I love the templates and how user friendly they are. I also love the fact that I can use someone's template and then customise it making it my own. Even more important is that as an educator I can upload my lesson plans and other resources using the app and add my students to my account, so we can all work on the same project at the same time. It is very efficient and my students love it.
Some of the AI features are not as great as I would like them to be, but I am hoping that improvements will be made as they go along and continue to add new features to the site.

Canva: A Versatile and User-Friendly Design Tool
Opmerkingen: Canva seems to be an excellent tool that provides a seamless design experience to the users through intuitive tools, a large variety of templates, and flexibility, making it perfect both for personal as well as professionally oriented projects.
Impressively user-friendly interface, vast template library, and excellent options for full-fledged customization. Canva will easily make graphic design approachable for even the most novice amateurs, but the advanced features found here make it perfect for professionals. Great tool for creative projects!
It doesn't cost anything, but the free version is limited because you'll have less access to those premium templates. Sometimes collaboration tools are clunky, but the app sometimes lags behind for complicated designs.

Great time saver
Opmerkingen: Great time saver that lets anyone produce high quality professional publicity
The quality of the included templates is amazing making it very quick to customise and produce your own publicity
The display area for the elements is very small and cannot be expanded so it can take a long time to find the best element to use
Graphic designer converts to Canva!
Opmerkingen: I've been a graphic designer for 20+ years and using Canva the last 4 and have found it super easy to use and works well, especially for digital designs.
It's very user-friendly for people who don't have a lot of design experience. The templates are a great starting point for people. Having clipart and stock photos available within the program is amazing!
I wish you could manage the bleed settings for print better and.

Overwogen alternatieven:
Canva: Always changing, always growing with you!
Opmerkingen: It is seamless and always growing. I love it!!
I love how easy Canva is to use and the various integrations available. I like that it is easy enough for my teens to use, but I can make really unique designs for my company to use in marketing. It is easy to share ideas and collaborate. I particularly use the brand management for our Golden Tax Relief Team
I would like more options for video. I would like to see more options like Favicons and smaller pixel images.
Easy to use and create amazing marketing for your business.
Opmerkingen: Very positive. Upgrading to Pro was a no-brainer. I'm a customer for life!
Ease of use. The interface is user-friendly, there are tons of stock photos, something for every need. The templates are beautiful and I can always find something to fit my style and branding. I can upload my own images and add Canva elements to enhance the images. I can create reels, gifs, and mp4's. Canva has pre-loaded image dimensions, so I can easily resize my projects without having to start from scratch.
The only thing I don't like is how easy it is to spend hours exploring and creating images, lol! I'm not really sure that's a negative. I personally need to make better use of the folders for organization.
Canva has everything to help make both your work and personal life easier
Opmerkingen: It is fun, easy to use and there is so much available at my fingertips for everything that I want to use it for.
Canva is so versatile that I can use it for both work and home. As a church administrator, I have used Canva for our monthly newsletters, weekly church bulletins, fliers, labels and cards. At home, I use it for mock-ups for my art prints to post online to sell, spread sheets, chore lists, graphics to enhance my art and I use it to create advance posts on social media to advertise my art. I pay the monthly fee which is very affordable for everything it has to offer. I am always telling everyone about Canva and how fun and easy it is to learn.
There is nothing that I don't like about Canva...
Make money with Canva
Opmerkingen: I am satisfied with Canva that i don't even plan on changing apps
What i like the most now about Canva is that I can put motion to my animations and i love that it has AI in it.
Most good perks come when you pay the subscription fee but i guess they have to make money too
I haven't looked back!
Opmerkingen: Canva is always going to be my go-to for design.
Usage for layout and features seems similar across the whole platform. Layers and the 'click and move/resize' method makes everything very accessible, and once the basics have been mastered users can edit in a more precise way using more specific tools.
Too many apps have been introduced - it's hard to find what you need sometimes.